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Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

Supporting students’ academic success & wellness

Our mission is to ensure the safety and well-being of each student during the school day and school activities. 

Services provided by district nurse:

  • Management and Care of the Whole Child
  • Parent Education Individualized to the Student
  • Health & Wellness Education
  • Annual Mandated Health Screenings Vision/Hearing/Scoliosis Screenings
  • Texas Risk Assessment for Type 2 Diabetes
  • Immunization Record Screening
  • Staff –Specific Training:
    • Bloodborne pathogens
    • AED locations
    • Seizures
    • Emergency treatment for Anaphylaxis, Allergies & Asthma
    • CPR & First Aid Training Offered and Provided Upon Request
    • Epi-Pen Awareness Training & Hands-On Training
    • Unlicensed Diabetic Care Management (UDCA)

If you have a child who requires any healthcare assistance, please contact the admin assistant at your student's campus to share important information and develop a plan.

Meet Our Nurse

A woman with braided hair smiles warmly at the camera, wearing a floral patterned jacket.

Amber Hernandez, MSN, RN-BC
District Nurse

Helpful Resources

  • The State of Texas requires that every child in the state be immunized against preventable diseases caused by infectious agents, in accordance with an established immunization schedule. To determine the specific number of doses that are required for your student, please read the “Immunization Requirements for Schools” available on the Texas Department of State Health Services websites below. Proof of immunization may be personal records from a licensed physician or a public health clinic with a signature or rubber-stamp validation. The student’s name must be visible on the record/form.

    Texas Health and Human Services Immunization Websites:

    Provisional Enrollment

    A student may be provisionally admitted to or enrolled in Rapoport Academy if the student has an immunization record that indicates the student has received at least one dose of each specified age-appropriate vaccine required by law. To remain enrolled, the student must continue to receive the necessary immunizations as rapidly as medically feasible, and complete the required subsequent doses in each vaccine series on schedule and as rapidly as is medically feasible. The student and/or parent/guardian must also provide acceptable evidence of vaccination to Rapoport Academy. A nurse or school administrator shall review the immunization status of a provisionally enrolled student every 30 days to ensure continued compliance in completing the required doses of vaccination. If, at the end of the 30 days, a student has not received a subsequent dose of vaccine, the student is not in compliance and Rapoport Academy shall exclude him or her from school attendance until the required dose is administered.


    More on Immunization exclusions can be found in our Districtwide Student Handbook >


  • Medication should be administered at home whenever possible. If necessary, medication can be administered at school by the school nurse or designee under the following circumstances:

    • Nonprescription medication brought to school must be submitted to Rapoport Academy by a parent/guardian along with a written request. The medication must also be in the original and properly labeled container.
    • Prescription medications administered during school hours must be prescribed by a physician or advanced nurse practitioner (“ANP”) and filled by a pharmacist licensed in the State of Texas. In accordance with the Texas Board of Nursing Practice Act, Rapoport Academy will not administer medications prescribed or fulfilled in Mexico.
    • Prescription medications must be submitted in a labeled container showing the student’s name, name of the medication, reason the medication is being given, proper dosage amounts, the time the medication must be taken, and the method used to administer the medication. Medications sent in plastic baggies or unlabeled containers or expired medication will NOT be administered.
    • If the substance is herbal or a dietary supplement, it must be provided by the parent/guardian and will be administered only if required by the students IEP or Section 504 plan for a student with disabilities.
    • Only the amount of medication needed should be delivered to Rapoport Academy, i.e., enough medication to last one day, one week, etc. In cases of prolonged need, send in the amount for a clearly specified period. Extra medication will not be sent home with the student.
    • In certain emergency situations, Rapoport Academy may administer a nonprescription medication to a student, but only in accordance with the guidelines developed by the school’s medical advisor and when the parent/guardian has previously provided written consent for emergency treatment.
    • We will not administer medications (prescription or over-the-counter) that the student has not previously taken, which includes changes in dosing. 

    Changes to daily medications require written instruction from the physician or ANP and written permission from the parent/guardian. parent/guardians are responsible for advising Rapoport Academy that a medication has been discontinued.


    Download the Medication Authorization Form


  • When your child is ill, please contact Rapoport Academy to let us know he or she will not be attending that day. If a student becomes ill during the school day, he or she must receive permission from the teacher before reporting to the school nurse, administrative assistant, or administrator. If the staff member determines that the child should go home, the administrative assistant will contact the parent/guardian. We do not diagnose anything, but will only give their symptoms and reason for needing to leave school.

  • Head lice (which are not an illness or disease) are common among children, and may spread through contact during play or when students share items such as headphones, brushes, combs, hats, or other items that come in contact with hair.

    If Rapoport Academy observes that a student may have head lice, an appropriate administrator will contact the student’s parent/guardian to determine whether the student needs to be sent home and to discuss a plan for treatment with an FDA-approved medicated shampoo or cream rinse. When an elementary student has head lice, Rapoport Academy will also provide written notice to the student’s parent/guardian of each child assigned to the same classroom as required by state law.

  • Asthma and anaphylaxis are life-threatening conditions, and students with those conditions are entitled to possess and self-administer prescription medication while on Rapoport Academy property or at school-related events.

    Student possession and self-administration of asthma or anaphylaxis medication at school requires the student to demonstrate his or her ability to self-administer the medication to the student’s physician or other licensed health care provider and the school nurse, if available.

    Requirements also include written authorization from the student’s parent/guardian and physician or other licensed health care provider on file in the school office indicating the student is capable of independently administering his or her own asthma or emergency anaphylaxis medication. Medication in a student’s possession must be in an original container with a prescription label. Please note that most pharmacies will place a label on the inhaler device upon request.

    For Epipens brought to the school, please have your prescribing physician fill out this form:

    Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan Form >


  • The parent/guardian of a student with a seizure disorder may seek care for the student’s seizures while the student is at school or participating in a school activity by submitting to Rapoport Academy a copy of a seizure management and treatment plan developed by the parent/guardian and the physician responsible for the student’s seizure treatment. The plan must be submitted to and reviewed by Rapoport Academy:

    1. Before or at the beginning of the school year
    2. On enrollment of the student if the student enrolls after the start of the school year
    3. As soon as practicable following a diagnosis of a seizure disorder for the student.

    A seizure management and treatment plan must:

    • Identify the health care services the student may receive at school or while participating in a school activity
    • Evaluate the student’s ability to manage and level of understanding of the student’s seizures
    • Be signed by the student’s parent/guardian and the physician for the student’s seizure treatment.

    Seizure Management and Treatment Plan Form from TEA >